
The Fall 2022 Edition of Computational Logic is delivered in class.

This page recaps the resources available to support your participation to the course and some suggestions on how to learn and pass the exam with satisfaction and success.


There are basically three kinds of resources you can use to study:


Logic is a tricky subject: many concepts might seem clear and simple, till you realize you probably did not understand a damn thing.

So here are some suggestions:

Structure of this website

This year (2022), we decided to profoundly restructure content and website.

Concerning the content, a new set of curated slides will simplify studying and learning.

Concerning the website, we now distinguish between materials and editions of the course:

The sidebar on the left makes clear which page is which.

Notice that, since we started the restructuring of the website in 2022, the materials pages will be incrementally filled with content as we move along the course. (This will be no longer true from Autumn 2023, when all the materials will be curated and uploaded.)

We welcome feedback. If you have any suggestion on how to improve the website and the material, please get in touch.